Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Thing 23 of 23 Things!!!
I want to thank the producers of 23 Things On a Stick. I was hesitant if I could handle this scope of project, but with the help and encouragement of my agent, Sue Hilgert (aka Head Librarian)I stuck with it to the end and I even had learned some things that made me change my viewpoint. The writers did a marvelous job on this project and their efforts will live on and reach more people as time passes. The special effects crew was great and easy to work with. They made my job a joy, for the most part. I want to be sure to thank my wonderful husband, who for some miraculous reason, had the patience of a saint when I couldn't be torn away from this project if there was a fire or flood- almost. The food vendor (also my husband) was a life saver for without him I couldn't have kept up the strength to endure this to the end. My son willingly made the sacrifice to go without his Xbox Live cable hooked up so that my link to salvation was uninterrupted. I can't forget the costume department. They made my job comfortable all those late nights working in pajamas and a robe. I want to thank the rest of the cast that were often way ahead of me on the assignment and kept me motivated. I sought out their helpful advice each step of the way. I didn't know if I'd ever see the end at times and now I feel I'd do it all again after taking a hiatus. I'm going to cry. Could someone get me a tissue? I didn't plan on breaking down like this. And lastly, I want to thank my fans, I mean patrons, who without them none of us would have a reason to do this project. My patrons stuck with me even though they didn't know the meaning of 23 Things on a Stick, but now they will find out all the wonders of this project, along with the many new patrons the fruits of this project will attract. They may not remember the name- 23 things on a Stick, but they will be grateful for what this project will enable them to experience.....
BE-E-E-E-EP!! What's this? Oh, I must have been dreaming. Rats! I didn't win an Oscar.
If I were to participate in an online learning project like this again and I would, I would like some time to prepare for it. I would greatly appreciate knowing what I might need to purchase or have on hand. For instance, a jump drive, several photos of myself and other photos on a computer file. Forewarning which things need downloads would be nice to know. I hesitate to question the order of the things, because I am sure that was thought out thoroughly, but it seemed at times that it would have been good to know some things earlier, like the tagging.
Thanks again. Hope you don't mind my Oscar speech.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thing 22 of 23 Things
The tools I'll use that I learned about from this experience are del.icio.us, Google Reader, Sticky Notes, wikis, Remember the Milk, Digg, Google Calendar, Flickr, BigHugeLabs, ELM productivity tools and assignment calculators, to name a few. Discovering the reasons to include Facebook when the library reaches out to young people was an eyeopener and made me want to support the effort. Sites like Lifehacker, LibraryBytes, WebJunction, and the 23 things on a stick Ning page will help me keep up so that I don't feel alone and not know where to go to get information. All of the knowlege I gained about podcasts, gaming, and YouTube is valuable to me as well. It's great, as in in this case, that when you learn something that is of a ever-changing nature that the tools you learned about make it easier to keep on learning!
Thing 21 of 23 Things
Thing 20 of 23 Things
If the teens and twenty somethings are using FaceBook and MySpace to create content that is at least adhering to the policies of these sites, than it is a positive way to spend some of your time. If all the user is doing is clicking and scrolling for hours on end, I find it a great waste. The library can make a difference by adding content that gives them a voice in their local library. They can offer suggestions of books and movies and as I read about, even be told when they are ordered and available. The Facebook and Myspace user may also be asked if they would want any classes for web surfing, for instance, or anything like that. The Information Wants to be Free blog by Meredith Farkas had great ideas and great reasons to do them. She advised libraries to not set up an account on Facebook that wasn't interactive. She told of one library that had a search box right on their page so the user did not even need to go to the library's website. That is s-o-o-o cool.
In the 7 things you should know about Facebook article the author referred to the term "information literacy". (I've read this term before in researching during this learning process.) This article defined it as: "The ability to negotiate opportunities and risks of the the internet age." I was virtually "information illiterate" before learning the Things. As a librarian, I'm particularly proud to say I'm no longer information illiterate and I plan on trying to keep up with the internet age.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Thing 18 of 23 Things
I am not going to be addicted to YouTube. I had never gone on it before and I would not go on it again for anything, but library purposes. You can imagine how I felt that the angry computer man was fitting to choose for my video clip. I'm glad I know about the workings of YouTube and I saw a few other video sites also. In fact, the Thing 18 example of an appropriate library video was emailed to me right about the time I started 23 Things and I was waiting to get to a thing where I needed to put it on my blog. Needless to say, I was frustrated that it was used on the mother blog. I'm still going to use it at near the bottom of my blog because I looked at videos for a long time that I found inappropriate for my blog. I had wanted to find something clever, but time does not permit it.
I saw videos that were excellently done to tour libraries and show movies that the library had available, which even had a few short audio clips of the movies with music filling out the rest of the video. There are even some great how-to videos that will be helpful for me if I forget some 2.0 skills that I learned. Our library doesn't own a video camera, but I can see that this would be a good use for one.
Thing 19 of 23 Things
My things and posts have gotten out of order now. I've had difficulties with playing podcasts and videos and downloading on my home computer. I'm one of those people who don't give up easily, which sometimes can be a fault and definitely takes more time.
I did't find any of the .com podcast directories easy to navigate all, but if my tastes were different I may have been able to find something right away. Yahoo was about the same thing. I listened to a podcast on the Educational Podcast Directory called Google Tips that was very helpful. The site is at the top of this blog. When I learn how to link it within my blog with just an underlined word, like I've seen other 23 things participants do, I will do that. I'm very frustrated that I don't know how to do this.
I spent hours looking for another podcast that would interest me and ended up back at OPAL, which I found out about in a previous thing. I had listened to a author interview podcast then and wondered what more I could find. I ended up listening to a book discussion with several participants on a book by Alexander McCall Smith. I enjoyed this very much since the book club I lead has discussed this book also. I ran across several instances where I wasn't able to get the feeds for the podcasts in my searches. I don't know why that happens.
I would consider hosting a podcast for a book discussion, but I would not want to do one on my own. Maybe that's what I'll do when I retire? Anyone who ever had the urge to be on live radio is probably chomping at the bit to do a podcast, if they haven't already done one. I read a bit about creating your own podcast and the 5 skills that I needed to learn scared me off at this time.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thing 17 of 23 things
I completed the other 3 parts of this thing first since I had read the comments on all the hassles of getting ELM on the rss feeds. The EBSCO web page was surprising to see the customization available to spruce up your information. I haven't had a need to use this fancy of a page, but the ability to easily email the information to patrons or project collaborators is a plus for all. As the library assimilates and utilizes Web 2.0, sending materials to patrons via the Internet is going to be more common place.
ProQuest Newstand Complete is very straightforward and no-nonsense. I've done this search only once or twice before with someone guiding me. It wasn't for a patron that time, but I have had one patron ask if we had access to the Washington Post for a photo she wanted to see. I regret that I didn't have any answers for her. I actually am still not 100% sure. It didn't appear to me that anything, but text is available. I'm happy to become more familiar with it, but I need more experience.
I was totally unfamiliar with Net Library, but I was proud to accomplish this part of the thing in very little time, thanks to the set up of the page and the directions. The "add note" and the abilty to put info. in favorites is great.
This experience has convinced me of the value of signing up for a Minitex webinar and for our library to consider offering specialized classes on using these ELM tools.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Thing 16 of 23 Things
Thing 15 of 23 things
I viewed the Second Life Info. Island blog and I must say I thought it would be more visually exciting. My blog is more exciting. It provided a great deal of information mostly by the old fashioned way - reading it.
I checked out the Charlotte & Mecklenburg County Public Library Teen Second Life program. I think the teens are the only ones with any business creating a second life, but that's just my opinion, which I realize isn't important here. I have enough to do in my first life. Maybe if you were an adult in rehab or prison it would be an interesting way to spend your time. I digress. I read the actual teen comments in this section. The teens are impressed with Info. Island, calling it "an amazing platform". One teen says, "I think librarians now are outdated. Second life provides an entirely different method of making one." Outdated! All I have to say to this teen is 23 Things on a Stick provides an entirely different method of making one also. And we, librarians, aren't virtual.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Thing 14 of 23 Things
Since, I am in charge of our local book club, I can make use of LibraryThing as soon as I get the 48 titles from our book list typed in. (LibraryThing makes this process foolproof.) I can't wait to share this with our members.
Monday, April 7, 2008
thing 13 of 23 Things
Thing 12 of 23 Things
I researched the whole time I allotted to complete this thing and couldn't find a story that I wanted to submit to Digg. I found one article searching the "most read book", but only to learn it was a Digg article in the first place. I am very intimidated by these sites. I don't think I would ever be interested in submitting an article or even find one worthy of submitting. I do understand that I probably have patrons who get their information from these sites (It hasn't been indicated to me, as yet.) and I should be up to date with what my patrons are reading on these social media sites. It is my opinion, however, that any "valuable" information is probably going to be found on some other sites that I recently became aware of because of 23 things on a stick. I already subscribe to some New York Times articles and the BBC News.
This concept seems to generally promote sensationalism. There certainly are non-sensational articles, photos, and videos, but my first impression is that it isn't the purpose of the primary users. I really hope that the regular users of these social media sites have a life and a job that is a lot more productive and involves some physical activity. I think I've put on a few pounds sitting at my computer during nearly all of my free time.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Thing 11 of 23 things
It's very interesting to me to see the scope of what the 5 libraries had for their del.icio.us tags. Only one of the five sites let me go back to the library homepage from the link 23 things gave us and discover just how the user would access the del.icio.us tags, particularly if they had never heard of them before. The Manasha Library had the tagged sites under the main category "Online Research" and under that as "Recommended Websites". It is my wish that our library system would add this to their web page. It would open the eyes of countless library users to what's available on the web. Having your interests bookmarked on any computer you use is a phenomenal innovation. Students, trip planners, hobbiests; the list is endless for who would be able to take advantage of tagging.
Now for the social part of the bookmarking. The ability to look at who is interested in what you are interested in is amazing. The 8 minute tutorial video explained well how wonderful this tool can be to connect you to other people and their insights. Talk about one thing leading to another. Next there will be counselors specializing in web addiction. Maybe there already are.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Thing 10 of 23 things
I saw that the on wiki (forgot which one, and no time to check back) had to got to email confirmation to protect against "vandalism" that they evidently had a prior problem with. I can't help but wonder if the damage was intentional or just people not knowing what they were doing - like me sometimes. This brings me to a related question. Is there a problem with foul language or inappropriate photos? I didn't know that some teacher have banned using Wikipedia for a reference. I now understand why they might make that decision since I learned how Wikipedia gets its information. Duh.
This is the perfect format for finding out what our library patrons want. If the wiki is set up properly, it would be very easy for patrons to add to and adit the wiki. Things 11-23 had better cover how to get the patron to the wiki.
I edited the 23 things wiki. It was very straight forward, which was so refreshing and self-esteem building. I couldn't resist viewing the sandbox, but I didn't catch on right away, so luckily I'd already finished editing the other choice.
thing 9 of 23 things
I think our founding fathers would all have heart attacks to even see words going down on the screen by touching letters on little buttons, (would they be able to read such neat lettering?)but since traveling was difficult and the couriers could be killed or whatever, the more foresighted of the bunch may find the "invention" quite handy if they could learn how to use it and decide on a final draft before they died.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Thing 8 of 23 things
Picture Trail was easy to set up an account on, but editing photos seemed very tedious. For example, I decided not to include any vertical photos since it slowed the process down too much. Even with these drawbacks I would still recommend Picture Trail because of the multitude of designs to pick from.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thing 7 of 23 things
We use email at our library to communicate between branches and to contact patrons who have given us an email address. I learned a great deal from the productivity hints on emails. I am now instant messaging on Google as many people who I can get to use it - 2. Wow. The number will increase. I wish the helpdesk at our headquarters did IMing. Most of the other communication tools mentioned are new to me, but I look forward to getting the opportunity to trying some of them out. I have no doubt if I don't learn to use them, I will not be able to do my job as effectively.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Thing 6 of 23 things
Thing 5 of 23 things
The possibilities are numerous for using this thing in the library; promotion materials and the library blog, collaborating with other libraries would be the first to come to mind.
I'm quite comfortable with having photos online. One tends to expand their comfort level when it saves a lot of time and provides security for storing photos. I am concerned about getting signed permission for photos of young library patrons. I don't know how successful it will be, but regardless, I am sure I can make better use of photos after learning this thing.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
thing 4 of 23 things on a stick

Winter Reading Program
Originally uploaded by kris.bratsch
This is my photo of the display for Renville Library's Adult Readers Winter Forum. I am blogging this to fulfill the requirement for the 23 thingsonastick. This is thing 4.
I have learned great restraint on doing this thing; restraint not to scream or pound my mouse or keyboard. I came so close, so many times to getting this done earlier, but something would always baffle me. With all the help screens, and the switching sites and pages, I was on brain overload.
This is a good way to entice people into the library to see what is new in person or enable those who aren't able to come in person to be there via the internet. I will have to work on ways to promote the blog, however. I'm looking forward to having enough photos for a slide show. This has made me aware of how other libraries use Flickr and I want to do further investigation on that. I'm considering how Flickr can help promote the Summer Reading Program and also help with the organization of it, since our library and another are collaborating for the first time. Also, it would be great if there was a computer activity for the kids using Flickr.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
thing 3 of 23 things
I started out with bloglines, which was easy to subscribe to feeds, but not that convenient of a format. This morning I subcribed to a number of feeds on google reader and I like the format better. I thought that I would get passwords all mixed up and I do, but it is worth the minor confusion.
I subscribed to my head librarians blog, many other book blogs, news feeds, and entertainment. I feel like I'm suddenly "up on things", which is weird because I didn't consider myself necessarily in the dark before RSS feeds came along.
I have to say that I feel like I am going at too slow of pace on the 23 things. Hopefully, what I learn along the way will help me move a little quicker through the steps or at least entice me to make the time to do it.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
2 things on a stick of 23 things
I have, at times, considered myself a bit of a visionary. I have a design backround and it has been the case that my instincts for what should be designed, thought of, on the market, or in fashion at a particular time, have come to fruition at a later date. When I can't purchase something that I desire because it doesn't exist for the average person, it is an agravation to me, at most. As I learn about Web 2.o and Library 2.o and the varying perspectives on what brought these concepts about and where they can take us, I can't help but think of the ultimate affect this could have on me and my library patrons. There's no doubt that this has been an"ongoing web revolution" brought on by the consistent wave of new technology. The 23 things on a stick challenge may make this seem like a giant daunting leap in technology all of a sudden, if one has not been utilizing all of this technology, like in my case. I am comforted, excited, and disenchanted to realize I and many more "inventory management biobots" (a phrase I took note of, depicting the librarians of yesterday) are on the same slow, rowboat that I think is about to get an overhaul because of the 23 things.
Let me briefly explain the "disenchanted" part before I mention my causes for excitement. In my opinion, some technology, at least in the recent past and maybe even since time began has sometimes inadvertantly, but more and more taken away the need to interact face to face with other humans. In the case of the younger generations, they will have grown up with the concept that they can "chat" with peers from anywhere in the world, maybe seeing the face or a picture of the people they are "talking to", probably never dreaming to meet them in person. I believe I have witnessed over the past 10 years or so, a loss of inhibition in these young people, who so freely can voice their opinions online. Has this fueled irresponsible behavior? Has it increased understanding of the world around them? I just have to wonder where this will take us or put us in the years to come.
"Making the library space, both virtual and physical, more interactive, collaborative, and driven by community needs" (I quote John Blyberg) is an exciting possibility. Allowing and instructing my patrons to create a profile and a personalized reading list would be a valuable tool that would also free up my time. Taking part in creating content on the web and enabling patrons to utilize this technology is thrilling. As Stephen Abrams said, we need get addicted to the excitement of learning. I'm surely getting addicted, but I either have a head cold coming on or all the excitement is giving me a headache. As I take a last look at my notes, maybe, just maybe, my headache might have something to do with the page full of terms or acronyms I wrote down for this thing #2 that I don't have a clue about.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
1 thing on a stick of 23 things
I created my first and second blogs on Sunday, Feb. 10. I managed to use a URL that I didn't intend to use and also somehow got my first posting on a coworkers blog. It's kind of funny now, but it sure gave me a headache when I discovered my mistakes. I had suggested to my husband that I might name my blog "deskchairpotato" because I sat in that desk chair for a long time that weekend. He didn't approve of that title. He probably thought it might turn out to be the case. I decided on "geekmeup23" because I'm ready to learn and experience these exciting forms of technology.