For all the 23 things finishers:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thing 10 of 23 things

The concept of wikis seems like a natural progression to the concepts I have learned about in the first 9 things. Before I knew what a wiki was, (which was about an hour ago) I was already thinking that all this is great, but how can my target audience add to this other than just making comments that are not that attention grabbing. And then I learn about the wiki.

I saw that the on wiki (forgot which one, and no time to check back) had to got to email confirmation to protect against "vandalism" that they evidently had a prior problem with. I can't help but wonder if the damage was intentional or just people not knowing what they were doing - like me sometimes. This brings me to a related question. Is there a problem with foul language or inappropriate photos? I didn't know that some teacher have banned using Wikipedia for a reference. I now understand why they might make that decision since I learned how Wikipedia gets its information. Duh.

This is the perfect format for finding out what our library patrons want. If the wiki is set up properly, it would be very easy for patrons to add to and adit the wiki. Things 11-23 had better cover how to get the patron to the wiki.

I edited the 23 things wiki. It was very straight forward, which was so refreshing and self-esteem building. I couldn't resist viewing the sandbox, but I didn't catch on right away, so luckily I'd already finished editing the other choice.

1 comment:

SAMMIE said...

You are moving right along with your 23 Things. Remember, the 23 Things end date is April 16, 2008. Robin