For all the 23 things finishers:

Monday, April 14, 2008

Thing 22 of 23 Things

I do resolve to keep up my blog, use the tools I learned and keep up to date with new tools. I will also give my input on how to use these things to the library's and the patrons' advantage. I will take 15 minutes each work day to fulfil these resolutions. Asking myself what I learned each day and blogging about it is a good idea that I intend to do also.

The tools I'll use that I learned about from this experience are, Google Reader, Sticky Notes, wikis, Remember the Milk, Digg, Google Calendar, Flickr, BigHugeLabs, ELM productivity tools and assignment calculators, to name a few. Discovering the reasons to include Facebook when the library reaches out to young people was an eyeopener and made me want to support the effort. Sites like Lifehacker, LibraryBytes, WebJunction, and the 23 things on a stick Ning page will help me keep up so that I don't feel alone and not know where to go to get information. All of the knowlege I gained about podcasts, gaming, and YouTube is valuable to me as well. It's great, as in in this case, that when you learn something that is of a ever-changing nature that the tools you learned about make it easier to keep on learning!

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