For all the 23 things finishers:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

thing 3 of 23 things

I am so happy that I have been introduced to the rss feeds. This is something I wish all the library computer patrons could experience, since most of them do not have internet at home, this makes any computer sort of customized for you.

I started out with bloglines, which was easy to subscribe to feeds, but not that convenient of a format. This morning I subcribed to a number of feeds on google reader and I like the format better. I thought that I would get passwords all mixed up and I do, but it is worth the minor confusion.

I subscribed to my head librarians blog, many other book blogs, news feeds, and entertainment. I feel like I'm suddenly "up on things", which is weird because I didn't consider myself necessarily in the dark before RSS feeds came along.

I have to say that I feel like I am going at too slow of pace on the 23 things. Hopefully, what I learn along the way will help me move a little quicker through the steps or at least entice me to make the time to do it.

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