For all the 23 things finishers:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

thing 9 of 23 things

I just finished working with both Zoho writer and Google documents editing on the D. of I. Once I figured out that I needed an invitation to edit on both it came quite easily. Before that is another story. I have been collaborating on Google Docs for a couple of weeks so that format was familiar, but it seemed totally different to try to do something on a page with all that editing of other participants on it. I was confused by the highlighted items and never really got to place my entry where I wanted because of something highlighted right before the spot I wanted. Too hard to explain. I thought that trying Zoho Writer would be very hard to do, but I had a much clearer document and I had no troubles at all. Google docs is only more convenient because I have a Google Homepage and Gmail. I think for a fairly short document that you need to collaborate on with a person or a small number of people at a different location, both of these tools would work very well.

I think our founding fathers would all have heart attacks to even see words going down on the screen by touching letters on little buttons, (would they be able to read such neat lettering?)but since traveling was difficult and the couriers could be killed or whatever, the more foresighted of the bunch may find the "invention" quite handy if they could learn how to use it and decide on a final draft before they died.

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